A Programmable LED Vodka Bottle?! WITH VODKA?!


It seems like the first and last things I need in the world are a programmable Vodka bottle full of vodka.  However, I am for some reason drawn to this bottle of Medea Vodka, complete with a programmable LED display on the bottle.  Now I will be able to program TWIIIIIILIIIIIIIIIIGHT on a bottle of vodka and offend imaginary vampire lovers worldwide.

Check out this video:

How to program your bottle of vodka – something that lighting designers have been wondering for years on the tourbusses of the world:

How to Program a Message on Your MEDEA Bottle from Medea Spirits on Vimeo.

Shameless cross-posting, because you’re damned right I’ll be getting one of these:

Step 1: Press the ON/OFF button

Step 2: Press the ENTER button to enter programming mode

Step 3: Press the P-U (UP) to select line (1-6) to save message in

Step 4: Press ENTER to confirm the line where the message will appear

Step 5: Press the P-U and P-D buttons to find the first character of your message, and pressENTER to save after each character selection. Note: space can be found after the letter Z.

Step 6: To finish, after you have selected the last character, wait until you see a blinking “A”, then press the ON/OFF to save the entire message.

You’re all set! Your message will now begin to scroll on the ticker.

Note: Do not leave the display on in the programming mode. Press either the P-U(DOWN) or the ON/OFF button to exit the programming mode.

Thanks, Engadget and @ARugowski on Twitter!

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