Ring of Fire! May 10, 2013’s Annular Solar Eclipse from Pilbara, Western Australia

Source: Twitter/@Pharaoness

I just saw this, and I could not NOT post this, especially as PLASA Focus Orlando people are traveling home.

This is the annular solar eclipse that just happened in Western Australia on May 10, 2013.  I hope this brings you as much peace as it just brought me.

Ring of Fire – May 10 2013 Annular Solar Eclipse, Pilbara, Western Australia from Colin Legg on Vimeo.

This video captures the sunrise annular solar eclipse from 3 locations in the Pilbara, Western Australia, May 10, 2013.

Cameras were placed at the south west, north west limits and centreline. 3 Canon 5DmkII + 800 mm timelapse at each location and Canon 1DC + 2000 mm 4K video in the north.

A big thanks to Geoff Sims for setting up the south camera, collaborating on site location, transporting lenses and eclipse timing/position calculations.

Thanks also to Peter Nanasi for providing the lovely original score at short notice.

I’m still on the road in north Western Australia and have done the editing from a cold caravan park in bright daylight skies, so it may be a little rough around the edges. There is also some stabilization still to be done, due to wind shake, but that requires better tools than I have on my laptop. One for later when I return to Perth.

If you ever get to see an annular eclipse, I recommend going to the path limits (sunset or sunrise). All sorts of weird things happen to the Sun, right on the horizon.



Colin – https://www.facebook.com/ColinLeggPhotography
Geoff – https://www.facebook.com/BeyondBeneath
Peter – www.peternanasi.com

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