Just Around the Riverbend


    We’re nearly there. The new look is here and we’ve moved to the new server. Thanks Media Temple!

    The only thing I’m waiting for is our new content delivery network (CDN) – you know, that thing that puts all of your content all over the world so that everyone experiences a quicker site load time – to start mirroring our content. That should be a couple of days. You shouldn’t notice any negative impact in the meantime.

    But until then…enjoy the new look!

    P.S. – If you’re interested in advertising, we’ve got a few new places on the site to put your ad! For more info, start on the advertising page.

    UPDATE: (8:00 AM PT) – It looks like the CDN has taken a liking to the site. I hope that everything loads tons faster for everybody and looks like it should. If you see an anomalies, please don’t hesitate to let me know on the contact form.

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    1. Congrats on the move to (mt), and we appreciate you jumping on board with us. Feel free to drop us a line or shoot us a tweet if you have any questions. Good luck with everything!

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