Mac III’s Added to James Blunt’s Tour


An article at PLSN this week tells of James Blunt’s current tour, and how seven Mac III’s are out on it, getting run through the paces.  Paul Normandale of Lite Alternative in England designed the Mac III’s into the rig, high on a circle truss.  Normandale, the lighting, scenic, and video director of the tour, said he chose the Mac III’s because he was looking for ‘a bright hard edge fixture for venues with trim heights of up to 48 feet, and he needed a powerful spot to go with the Martin LC Series LED panels.’  From the article:

“I’m impressed,” Normandale said, of the 1500-watt profile spots. “The fixtures offer a significantly brghter tier of lighting, a great wide aperture source, a dramatic zoom, real strobing – and finally a real red.”

Normandale also commented on the output and zoom of the Mac III:

“Even at extreme zoom it has light to spare from a trim of nearly 50 feet across a video wall,” Normandale said, of the MAC III’s ability to punch out more than 33,000 lumens.

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