Leif Maginnis Makes Ultraviolet Light and Spinning Things Into Magic Mind, uh, Intercourse



Leif Maginnis had an idea that he turned into what I’m calling THE coolest interactive thing I’ve seen in 2014 so far.  So simple and so visually confusing and pleasing — meet the Art Strobe:

Oh yeah, and if that wasn’t enough to shake loose the little bits of acid from back in your 1970’s days, here’s some more:

ArtStrobe Interactive Light Art from leif maginnis on Vimeo.

It’s probably best to let Leif describe this one:

The ArtStrobe is interactive, kinetic light art. It works by spinning an object that has fluorescent-colored patterns on it. Ultraviolet strobe lights are aimed at it and rings of bright fluorescent patterns emerge, transform in color and move in and out of focus. The user can change these patterns by turning two knobs mounted near the ArtStrobe.

Ok, I can dig it.  So for those of you who won’t watch the longer video, even though the awesome quotient is about 437, Leif spins something that has some fluorescing paint on it and then strobes blacklight at it.  the results are eye-gasmic.

Leif, you sir are awesome!  By the way, Leif’s also kind of a bad ass prop master and designer — Check out his Cat Designs website, he’s got all kinds of broadcast design work on there!


Back Camera

pipel2I have Tobin to thank for this.  Thank you, Tobin!

This comes from DesignBoom’s DIY Submission Series, which is pretty freaking cool full time!  All images (C) Leif Maginnis


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