Ok, this might be the most awesome lego creation I’ve ever seen, and my best friend is 42 and has every frigging Star Wars lego thing ever invented. Meet the Lego Concert, from Mario Fabrio. Mario’s a bit of a Lego fan you could say… but his work? Even Greggus must bow in the face of Mario the Lego King!
He’s also got a great oil rig in his pile of Lego marvel. Check it out.
Thanks, MOC Pages!
Epic. Every productions guy will buy their children this!
For such show, lead voc should have 3 wedges instead of 2. And where’s the keyboard’s wedge? Also, where are the sub-bass speakers? (should be standing right ahead the scene…)
Anyway… it’s sick and I love it 😀
Pour info les sub y sont bien , regarde meiux la prochaine fois au lieu de critiquer
In-ears 😉
But please do not put any glass (even empty) near the mixing console !
hahaha …rock on \m/
The subs look like they have been built in to the floor of the stage. You can see grating on either side of the stage. Maybe that’s them?
Agreed Jamie. The subs are definitely right under the front edge of the stage!
what do you mean subs? there is line array, subs dont have to be on the floor…
Callate salame! Existen los in ears para monitoreo, a ver como lo haces vos si te sale algo apenas parecido
Subs are under the stage and singers are using IEM’s so the floor wedges are really just for luxury or backup if there’s a problem with the packs.
They are on ears. Do not need wedges… 🙂
Yeah, but then the ‘production guy’ will end up putting it all together… As always!
Bugger the children I want it
You’re just wrong about the children part..
yes, everybody would buy this for their children….. 😉
Most production guys would probably buy themselves this!
Haha not for my kids but rather for me
I just want to know where I can buy one!
Just Awesome. So Great. I’d like to buy this too!
Great crew – No one was smoking!
A couple was getting down on image 4 though….
you noticed that too…
Was the first detail i saw 😉
They were Smoking up on the truss spots or under stage !!!!!!
Pic 5 – 3rd guy, has just…
I did this with my son and blocks, 17 years ago! His Dad is a sound engineer and we taught him how “dad helps the men sing songs!!!”
I think that this might be the most awesome thing I’ve ver seen.
Where can you buy this set ??
Yes yes !!!that’s fucking rock and roll…I need one!!!
no fall arrest system for those riggers though…
Where’s the C wrench?
no generators either….. haha
Where’s catering?
it’s a buy-out.
You can even see that’s it’s a Clair Brother production. Clair PA and Clair wedges. Very very cool!!!!
Seriously! My jaws dropped so hard! 😀
This should be submitted on LEGO Cuusoo… I’d buy this in a second if it was accepted as a kit! (www.lego.cuusoo.com)
Who wouldn’t buy I would too
I like the fourth one, where they are fucking, better for children than pornos
whats the wifi code?
Tiny performers made out of plastic. It’s a Kylie Minogue concert.
Okay. I really want this. Haha. I’m a sound engineer and this just makes me… So happy. Haha.
Great design & implementation, Only thing missing is the obnoxious cell phone eyesores in the crowd. For another great display check out the one for Lucas Oil Stadium, made with 30000+ pieces, go to Bing and put in Lego of Lucas Oil Stadium. Cool thing was the roof actually opened & closed. Crowd & football game in progress.
Yours for only £899.00…
Please tell me I’m not the only one that would pay that!
I want it please
“All in all it’s just another brick in the wall”
I only wish my rigs looked so clean!
This fracking rig is awesome!!
Is this for sale? I am intreated in buying it from you.
Excellent… apart from the side by side double columns of line arrays!
Amazing! Made me remember my old days… How I miss Stage Miracles and Spot On!
This is too damn cool!!!
Love it. But I don’t see any lams or pussy passes?!
Plastic, plastic and more plastic. Poor oceans.
that’s power of LEGO! Awesome:)
Your are my idol!
Wow this is awsome:) where i can buy this? I really like this kind of imagination.
Big big like:-)
In-ear monitors, dude!
where´s the security staff?
This is really cool although i do agree image 4 is a bit naughty.!!!!
Which way to my f*cken dressing room – Jaz Coleman, Killing Joke
But where are all the women? There are only four women in the pictures, all of them dressed in pink. One is having sex and the rest are in the choir. All the instrumentalists are men, as is the singer/main artist. As a female musician I am offended by this.
You are so right! It is funny, but it is a man’s thing again. Where are the female musicians, technicians and truckdrivers?
There’s a woman in FoH
I would like to thank all of those who supported my creation.
So I guess the guy ‘making out’ with the girl by the semi will need a lego ‘hard on’ before too long, easy just plug it on! This is one of the best things I have seen for ages. I wish my tours were like this. Please no one give Stageco any more ideas!!!
Is that lift basket Mini-Fig rated?????
Where is the monitor engineer? Also needs a bowl of lego m&m’s with the green ones taken out.
Awesome!!! Now that’s what I call LEGO, turned up to eleven.
I love it! It’s missing the catering tent tho. 🙂
Where did you get the parts for this thing?!
Lead vox prefers a stereo mix in the wedges and their vox and maybe bgv in their in-ear mons. Keyboard player is using in-ear monitors. Subs are incorporated in the line arrays or below the stage.
Don’t know if its for sale, I ran across this just surfing stage stuff. I would buy the kit too…and doesn’t it look like a couple of stagehands smoking on a steam roller in pic 4? I think that’s what I see. lol
didn’t see anybody taking drugs though?
Finally a crowd I can see over from FOH…YEA!
I love it and want it!!!
Very cool that all the stage crew are wearing hard-hats. We could learn from this!
WOW! Gotta love those nice line-arrays made of bricks! My 6-years-old son is often wondering what I do when I’am a tech. Now I can show him. Great work, really!
Maybe the guys in N.C. should’ve taken some lessons from these kids before they put up their rig!
Is it a lego my ego you can buy or just a bunch of legos you have to build it out of scratch?
Thanks for the great work! Love it!
Oh God… Guys, where I can buy this <3 ?!
The bricks alone which I used when making the stage are worth 2,000 Euro.
Anybody still want to buy it?
This is the most amazing lego creation I have ever seen. Is there any way to get the parts list and instruction for building the stage itself. I don’t need the band and I know some of the parts are hand made but if I could get any information that would be awesome. Thank you.
Where can this be bought? I think my grandkids should have this
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