Dark Side of the Rainbow. I think it’s a cultural thing of our time, at least those of us who have been out there trying to find that answer to the question no one wants to ask…
Call it what you will — some call it the Dark Side of Oz. Others call it the Dark Side of the Rainbow, and an even smaller group of others call it the Wizard of the Dark Side, and The Wizard of Floyd.
No, as far as the world knows it and has been admitted by all of the band members, it’s a crock. But, it’s an awesome crock. Have you ever just turned down the lights, kicked your feet up with a nice whatever, and watched the visuals from The Wizard of Oz synced to the Dark Side of the Moon album? If the answer to that last question was anything other than hell yes Jim I am doing it right now, then you need to go do this right now.
You can even buy Dark Side of Oz on Amazon. That sounds crazy, doesn’t it?!
Here’s how it’s done:
- start The Wizard of Oz and turn the sound off. Get ready though, you have something to do coming up here pretty quickly!
- When the MGM lion in the beginning starts his third roar, start Dark Side of the Moon.
- Sit back, and check that sh*t out.
OR, because JimOnLight loves our readers, you can just click on one of these Dark Side of the Rainbow videos below!
On Vimeo, since I think they are awesome:
Dark Side of the Rainbow from Cottage of the Crone on Vimeo.
This video below is pretty awesome — YouTube user m1kef0y put this analysis together of a large portion of the lyrics that correspond with actions occurring in the film. Bravo, brother!
OH — something else that is completely awesome: Wish You Were Here ALSO syncs up with a movie coincidentally! Here’s Metropolis and Wish You Were Here, with a side of awesomesauce:
Now definitely go full-screen on any of these videos, because as you’re sitting back watching this you’re not going to want to strain. This is some cool stuff if you’ve never done it. So? DO IT! You’ll love it, I guarantee!
Something else that is pretty awesome is Dub Side of the Moon by the Easy Star All Stars. If you like reggae, you will pee yourself over this album, it’s outstanding.