The Daily Lamp – Veronika Gombert’s Mothership



A beautiful design from German-born designer Veronika Gombert, Mothership is a lamp like none other, utilizing multiple independently hung light sources (LED, of course) that can be either removed and allowed to hang from the main “ship” of the design, or they can be placed in the bowl of the lamp itself, creating a quiet and romantic atmosphere.

From Veronika’s website on the Mothership:

A suspended LED lamp which can be adapted by hand to different daily life situations. The lamp is constructed to give light for big tables over 1,80m. For the fast breakfast in the morning, the homework after lunch, a banquet or giving the right atmosphere for a dinner for two. It consists of a static fixed lighting bowl, made in Acrylic it’s white to light translucent. The 8 LED light bulbs can be freely moved and fixed with a small hook anywhere at the edge of the lighting bowl. The hook also blocks the cable. By simply lifting the bulb, the cable can be adjusted in hight. There are endless possibilities for lightening.

LED bulbs | Textile cable | Acrylic, translucent and partly painted

These images are very cool, check them out!





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