I’ve been contemplating a series called “The Daily Lamp.” I look at so many awesome luminaire designs every day and there is no way I could possible write about all of them. I’m going to start posting a different lamp every Monday through Friday, there are WAY too many crazy cool and awesome lamps out there that it’s a disservice for me NOT to talk about them!
Today’s Daily Lamp is from designer Marianne Andersen, the In Theory pendant lamp series:
It’s a very interesting design — it reminds me of getting the wine cork stuck in the bottle! A clear “shade,” a smoky one, and a milky diffuser. Elegant. I’d light a bar with these, most definitely.
Marianne’s work was seen at the State of Things exhibit at this year’s Stockholm Furniture Fair, 2013.
Thanks to The Daily Tonic and DesignStudio 210!
Great to see our photo up here 😉
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