A Light-Up Tony Stark Shirt Arc Reactor Shirt?!



I hate to admit this, but I thought those crazy Iron Man movies…  WERE AWESOME!!!!

Ok, maybe the second more than the first, but seriously — mindless explosions, glowing stuff, and a plot line that’s looser than most of my high school girlfriends?  How could you POSSIBLY go wrong?!

I saw this over at ThinkGeek the other day and I nearly lost control of my bladder — this is almost as cool as that glowing EQ shirt I saw back in Vegas last year!  Meet the illuminated Tony Stark shirt from ThinkGeek!  Frankly, it’s an awesome deal at $22.  You bet your ass I ordered one!



But soft — there are informations about the shirt that little Stark wannabe Iron Men should heed!  From the ThinkGeek page:

  • Officially licensed Marvel collectible
  • Black cotton t-shirt containing a light-up Arc Reactor
  • Looks like a standard t-shirt, but it’s actually the Iron Man Mark IX suit
  • Flexible interior with knitted cotton exterior
  • Provides protection from adverse weather, UV rays, and temperature extremes
  • With fresh batteries in the battery box, Arc Reactor will glow when switched on
  • Will not prevent shrapnel from reaching your heart
  • Machine washable (all electrical components can be removed from the shirt)
  • Requires 3 AAA batteries (not included)

I LOVE THIS!  Just remember:  this WILL NOT PREVENT SHRAPNEL from reaching your HEART!

Thanks to JoBlo and ThinkGeek!

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