There is something about light emanating through a slit in a surface that just blows my mind. As suggestive as that comment is, I ensure you it is not meant for that kind of thought, even though I know about half of you out there immediately went there. What you’re seeing above is the genius of Chris Fraser, a light artist from San Francisco. His work is definitely pretty awesome — this particular case above is a “line drawing” of his from Oakland, CA. The one below is called Points, Lines, Planes from the Performance Art Institute:
Chris’ work is like a crazy slit spectroscope of whatever light source is in front of it — like in these below, he did them as on-site pieces of work, creating something magical at a given day and time, never repeatable again. You have to see more of Chris’ work:
Excellent, and beautiful. I have got to see some of this stuff up-close and personal.
PLEASE check out Chris Fraser’s portfolio site and his Experiments on Flickr — VERY cool stuff!
This is my Chris Fraser-esque work for the day, a la 2007:
Thanks to Lost in e Minor and We Waste Time!
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