The John Allen Lamp Project


Doesn’t that sound like a fusion jazz quartet starring some crazy bass player who has dreadlocks?  His bass is all paint-erroded from all of the years he spent playing bass in smoky little jazz clubs in groups with names like Steven Tyler PJs and Neil McKarren’s Big Fat Bootie.  But in the case of the John Allen Lamp Project, it’s nothing but smooth sailing for our imaginary bass player friend I just invented because I should get out more.

Check this out:

This is an animation of John Allen’s lamp — plywood, sturdy, taking the idea of using construction materials as the fore element to a new level.  That’s how I see it.  You can also go to John’s Instructables and make your own.  John Allen is just that awesome, as the best work should be.  Free for all to enjoy.  Thanks, John, this rocks!

Screenshots of the Instructables page from John’s Instructables project on the John Allen Lamp project.  Check it out.

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