I decided recently that the time to wait to get any more tattooing has passed. The guy who did my first tattoo is coming back to Oklahoma City on June 24, and I have an appointment to get some more equations!
So far, I have the Law of Reflection and Snell’s Constant – each of the equations on my arm are separated by a semicolon. Â Each additional equation will be separated by a semicolon as well. Â Here’s the first one:
I’ve decided that this next round will be several equations. Â First, the Lorentz force exerted on charged particles, from classical electromagnetism:
(Try to ignore the blue lines, they are guides for me to line up symbols in Photoshop)
Next in line is the Lensmaker’s Equation:
After that will be all four of Maxwell’s Equations, starting with Gauss’ Law:
Of course next will be Gauss’ Law for Magnetism (no monopoles, mophos!):
Followed by the Maxwell-Faraday equation explaining induction:
Last but not least or final – Ampere’s Law with Maxwell’s correction:
I am so freaking excited!!!
Tatooing your crib sheet on your arm is going to be hard to hide when the proctor comes along.:)
Absolutely love it. 🙂
I hope you don’t switch careers like sound or video anytime soon
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