LDI 2009 – The JimOnLight.com and iSquint TWEET-UP!



Jim is gonna be at LDI this year!  Are you?

I have some questions for the JimOnLight.com community:

  1. Are you going to LDI 2009 in Orlando, Florida?
  2. Do you at least occasionally enjoy drinking a beer or cocktail?
  3. Are you a Twitter-er?

On Friday, November 20, 2009 at 8pm, JimOnLight.com and iSquint are hosting a Tweet-Up at the LDI 2009 show.  We’re still ironing out some of the details, but it’s gonna be awesome.  We’re hoping to see as many of you there as possible!

Friday night, November 20, 2009, 8pm!

Jim and iSquint will be tweeting about this from now until the Tweet-Up – check Twitter for hashtags (that’s a word with a # in front of it) #ldi2009 and #ldi09tweetup.  We look forward to seeing you there!

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