Solar Power Tower in Seville, Spain – 20MW


solar power tower

Commercial operation of the world’s second solar power tower has begun in Seville, Spain – the Solúcar Platform by Abengoa Solar, a PS20, has a yield of 20 megawatts, and far surpassed expectations during its testing phase.  From the press release at Abengoa Solar:

Following the conclusion of the successful three-day production and operational testing period, Abengoa Solar has begun commercial operation of the new PS20 solar power tower plant located at the Solúcar Platform, near Seville (Spain). Over the course of the testing period, PS20 surpassed the predicted power output, thus further validating the high potential of power tower technology.

PS20 is the world’s second power tower plant in commercial use. PS20 features a number of significant technological improvements with respect to PS10, the first commercial power tower. These enhancements, developed by Abengoa Solar, include a higher-efficiency receiver, various improvements in the control and operational systems, and a better thermal energy storage system. Plant construction was carried out by Abener.

According to Santiago Seage, CEO of Abengoa Solar, “Generating more power during production testing than the design output is indeed a significant milestone. The technological breakthroughs we have achieved, coupled with our cumulative expertise, have enabled us to take a qualitative leap forward in our power tower technology.”

With a power capacity of 20 megawatts, double that of PS10, the new PS20 solar power plant will produce enough clean energy to supply 10,000 homes, and will avoid the emission of approximately 12,000 tons of CO 2 into the atmosphere that a conventional power plant would have produced.

PS20 consists of a solar field made up of 1,255 mirrored heliostats designed by Abengoa Solar. Each heliostat, with a surface area of 1,291 square feet, reflects the solar radiation it receives onto the receiver, located on the top of a 531 feet-high tower , producing steam which is converted into electricity generation by a turbine.

Abengoa Solar is focused on the development and application of technology for generating electricity using the power of the sun.

Abengoa is a technology company that applies innovative solutions to sustainable development in the infrastructures, environment and energy sectors. It is a public listed company with a market capitalisation of €1,100.11 billion (24/04/2009) and it currently has a presence in more than 70 countries in which it operates with its five business groups: Solar, Bioenergy, Environmental Services, Information Technologies, and Industrial Construction and Engineering (

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  1. Es impresionante ver el proyecto, como la naturaleza puede trabajar para nosotros, en este momento estoy elaborando mi proyecto de grado, titulado ARTEFACTO VERDE y estoy interesado en el acapite de tecnologias ecologicas incluir la iniciativa de ustedes como un modelo ecologico y factible pero sobre todo rentable, lo cierto es que le felicito por ser tan innovedores, por seguir sus sueños sin importar lo que piense la gente y por ser tan osados, el planeta se los agradecera, la pachamama les bendecira. gracias.

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