Hei’s Solar Street Light


2,200 lumens at 24 watts with a service life of 75,000 hours – these are the essential numbers of Hei’s solar street light design.  An LED source is powered by a complex solar collection system – the fixture is sleek, if I may say so myself!  The solar collection unit on top is designed to catch the day’s sun direction without a tracker – or at least I assume…

Instead of me trying to explain how cool this fixture is, here’s some product info:

Photovoltaic module technology
The totally innovative tube-shaped photovoltaic element is an outstanding technical innovation by hei solar lightTM. For this purpose, highly efficient photovoltaic cells are inserted into a hardened glass tube. The vertical orientation of the PV-module and the all-round arrangement of the PV-cells result in optimised winter suitability. Even at diffuse daylight. In addition, the vertical arrangement of the PV-module prevents snow and dirt depositions.

Multi-point-LED technologyTM
The LED-technology, specially developed for hei solar lightTM allows for individual lighting design, adapted to the location. Concentration of light by means of a lens system allows for a defined orientation of light on the ground. As a result, scatter loss is minimised, luminosity is optimised.

Energy storage
A low-maintenance solar battery, integrated into the light, stores the converted energy from the sun. Due to its modular design, the capacity of the battery is adapted to the respective climate condition of the location.

Energy management
An intelligent electronic system monitors the charging condition of the energy storage device. Luminosity is reduced according to demands during longer periods of poor weather. As a result, trouble-free operation is ensured.

Ok, I’m a nerd, but even their website is awesome!  When you click to the product page, this is what you see before you click to information:


Here’s a few product images – a beautiful design!








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  1. 91.7 lumens per watt? Even without solar no one has achieved this yet…maybe that’s why they have photoshop of product instead of real installations.

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