Ok, so for this week’s WYSIWYG post, I wanted to share a little up-and-coming information on the next release of WYSIWYG, R23. There are some amazing things coming up in the new release of the software, and they are some of the exact items that many of us have requested over the years.
I had a great long conversation with Gil Densham this week on the phone about the stuff coming up – if I may say so myself, there are some amazing new technologies coming out soon, and others in heavy hardcore development. There will be posts about these in the future – what was astonishing from my conversation with Gil this week was how involved Cast Lighting is in the process, and how they’ve pioneered and made important solving some of the challenges that our creative brains have created in the advent of new technology.
This week, I want to start chronicling the new additions to the R23 build of WYSIWYG. For a long time there has been desire to have live control and output in the Live Beam Visualizer of optical focus – gobos on surfaces, shafts of light through the air from a breakup gobo exhibiting a hard and soft appearance when being run through an effect, etc. R23 has this in the bag, and this is extremely exciting! Imagine being able to exhibit a nice slightly over-focused pattern wash on a wall or piece of scenery, or show a client a focus effect across a truss. It’s coming. Check out the image below:
This image shows a template being projected onto a sphere in the foreground, and spilling onto a wall in the background. New to R23 will be the ability to control the focus as it hits two distant surfaces and render it realtime. Well, kiss my grits. Check out the other side of the focus below, sharp on the sphere and out of focus on the wall:
Amazing. Have a great weekend, everyone!
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