Pick Five Things Fixture Manufacturers Could Do Better


I’ve worked on both sides of the equation with respect to the manufacturer/user balance, and the question of which five things a fixture could improve upon ALWAYS comes up — I always love the discussion because everyone wants something different.


It’s honestly sometimes a special little hell from a product development standpoint, because usually, at least 75% of the good suggestions could improve the product you’re developing, but the time/talent/money triangle ALWAYS dictates how much of everything you can put into your fixture.  Then, you have to avoid “feature creep,” which is just adding too much crap into the fixture’s abilities, just because you can.  All of this is also regardless of whether it’s a moving head or a conventional non-mover.  “You can fill a development cycle with however long you give the engineers to fill it.”  That’s a Berenice Chauvet quote, ladies and gentlemen, she is one brilliant individual ninja.

PICK TWO off the triangle above and design your show.

So here, I have a poll for you — if you could pick five things on a moving head to improve, what would they be?

Pick FIVE THINGS You Would Improve about Moving Lights.

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