A Quick Note on Anonymous Commenters


You know, I love writing JimOnLight.  I have put my reputation on the line repeatedly to bring you the best and sometimes stupid news and views across the internet, at least in our lighting world.

Something that drives me nuts, and it doesn’t happen very often, is a few people commenting shitty comments anonymously.  I mean hey — it’s cool with me if you have a point of view, and it’s even cooler with me if you share it, especially on something I post.  But here’s the thing — if you’re gonna make a comment on something that I have to say, just say it and do it with your real name.  Honestly, there is about a 1:1000 ratio of people who have the lack of reproductive parts to have to hide behind a pseudonym, but even that little bit of need to hide behind a comment posted by an anonymous or fake username blows my mind.  This website is called JIM On Light, not “Anonymous Wanker Who is Too Afraid for People to Know How He Really Feels On Light.”

Don’t be a pussy — if you have something to say, just say it, and say it under your own name.  Have the intestinal fortitude to stand behind your shitty comment.  David and I are going to leave the ability to leave your anonymous comments intact just so when you can’t be a man or woman about what you have to say, we can laugh at your need to make snide comments as a fake person.

Thanks for reading, everyone.  We’ve had some of our best weeks ever in the last few weeks.  All of this is thanks to you.  Thanks for being awesome.

Have an awesome day!


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