Return of The Daily Lamp – Facetada by AndreuCarulla Studio


While I was unemployed, I had to take a small hiatus from The Daily Lamp. I was spending ten hour days looking for work, and it seemed like every freaking door slammed shut when I was looking.  But now, I have not only a job again, but time to write more DAILY LAMP offerings, and this time it’s brought to you by Barbizon!

Today’s Daily Lamp is an interesting transitional design by the Spanish firm AndreuCarulla Studio.  The funny thing about this lamp is that it started out as a silly little amouse-bouche plate for food that never fills you up.  I only know that term from watching Top Chef.  Check this out, it explains what the hell I’m talking about before we get into the lamp:

FACETAT dish from ^C studio on Vimeo.

This lamp, the Facetada, is literally made of that plate from the video.  It’s like a disco ball that had bad anxiety and just needed to break loose.  What do you think?

FACETADA lamp from ^C studio on Vimeo.

From the video page:

Ceiling lamp created from the Facetat dish. We have devised a new manufacturing system; starting from a flat sheet we are able to model the geometry of the lamp to our liking.
The final result is a unique piece of lightweight appearance, which distributes the light uniformly on the bottom, while reflects spectacular patterns on the ceiling, creating a warm ambiance.

Buyable limited edition.

Video by Pau Carulla










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