Laura and I are on the move this week! We spent the last week with Laura’s mom and stepdad at their cool house in Durham, Ontario — there is something completely different about Canada when you get away from the city centers. Toronto is not representative of Ontario, or even Canada really — it’s like a mix of the nationalities you would get by sticking LA, Chicago, and NYC all into a huge cauldron and stirring it up. Rural Ontario is amazing — the people are friendly, the towns are quaint, and there’s lots of road to be driven.
Tuesday morning we begin the next leg of the trip: Durham, Ontario to Peoria, Illinois. In about 10 hours we’ll stop driving and get out of the car to go to sleep!
We’re officially on the way to making Laura a permanent resident in the US, but in the mean time, we know we’re going to have to spend some time apart based on the residency maximums for a Canadian in the US. It’s ok though, we’re ready for it, and Skype is an amazing thing. This week is Illinois and my sister’s house in Peoria, IL. If you’re within an half-hour of Peoria over the next week, send me an email or get ahold of me through the contact form and we’ll Tweet it up!
Our final destination is Dallas, Texas. We’re heading there to set up camp and start promoting Lumen Buddha Studios, rock the full-time JimOnLight.com, and get back to the warm Dallas sun!
Now we return you to your regularly scheduled lighting adoration! Have a great Monday, everybody!