The Daily Lamp – The Peel Light, from Naoki Ono and Yuki Yamamoto


Today’s Daily Lamp rocks harder than others I almost picked for today.  Meet the Peel Light from Japanese designers Naoki Ono and Yuki Yamamoto:


From Naoki Ono’s product page on the Peel Light:

A wall light that looks as if a corner of a wall were peeling and light was leaking therefrom. OLED is used to make the light source as thin as possible and the electric cable is let to stay along a corner of walls so that it doesn’t stand out. It can be fixed to the wall with a hook.

Category : Wall light
Material : OLED, PMMA
Dimensions : H430 W335 D63 mm
Year : 2012

I love this thing!  Now I want one in all four corners of my studio, each with independent color control and intensity!




Therefrom indeed.  Therefrom indeed.

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  1. Made my day ! You know how hard it is for a lampie to find a light that can actually be described as “worth looking at”. Thanks !

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