The Daily Lamp – Gionata Gatto’s UNPLUGGED, A Lamp YOU Power

Gionata Gatto's Studio Atuppertu - UNPLUGGED

Talk about green, if you’re looking for a green lamp for your home, why not go with something like Gionata Gatto‘s Unplugged set, which is a hand-cranked table lamp (The Table Crank) and a pedal-powered floor lamp (The Pedalator). I have to say that I am really digging on Gionata Gatto, I like the way this guy thinks.  From Studio Atuppertu‘s page on Unplugged:

The production of energy to pay has brought people to massively abuse of our planet resources. Contemporary houses are fULL of electronical devices that are constantly connected to the electric grid. Most of those devices live mostly of their life in a state of continuous standby. The 80% of population ignores the consumption of energy WHICH is necessary to power up simple devices as a radio, a TV, a LED lamp. “Unplugged” wants to provoke a reflection on the theme of energy consumption. Through this argument I wISH to evoke an ipotetic future condition, where available resources are not anymore enough to please ALL population

requests. IN MY MIND I EVOKED THE PICTURE OF A post-industrial background where architectonical carcasses of a civilization in decline wOULD emerge from a scenario of complete abandonment. This wOULD be the context where people will have to discover different energy production’s methods. The auto-production of energy would become the only appropriate and respectful way that could save the Earth and respect its cycles of replenishment of resources. “The Pedalator” and “The Table Crank” are the first two prototypes that stimulate an interesting question: how much hard work do you need to power up a LED bulb? “The TablE

Crank” is a table lamp, that can be activate through the Rotation of a crank locate on the top of the ceramic base. Four or five munutes of manual charge are enough to offer almost half an hour of light. Similar is the case of ‘The Pedalator, a machine that every five minutes of pedaling produce an hour of light. The produced energy is store in a battery, which allow the user to swich the lamps off or on in different times. The pieces are all made of wood, natural ceramic without varnish, aluminum.

Check these photos out, Unplugged is a beautiful almost post-modern design of formulated function. I love it:

Unplugged - The Pedalator
Unplugged – The Pedalator
Unplugged - Gionata Gatto
Unplugged – Gionata Gatto
The Pedalator
The Pedalator

Also, Gionata had some drawings of the set, some lovely brain-art of the process, check it out!

the pedalator 1

table crank 2

Here’s a gallery of the product images and sketches, enjoy!  Click on an image, and away you go:

We featured Gionata last week on The Daily Lamp with his Agricola Lamp, check it out!

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