Let’s Have A Revolution of The Mind in 2013


    Happy New Year 2013

    HAPPY NEW YEAR, everybody!  Well if it isn’t a miracle – we survived the end of the world (twice now I think in 2012, once was the failed prediction by that guy Jack Van Impe), AND the 2012 Presidential Election, as well as many other completely ridiculous things that happened in 2012.  Notice that the US Congress “passed” the bill that saves us from the big scary “Fiscal Cliff” in the US.  Ah, good times, living the dream.

    I really want to start being a better human being in 2013, both for myself and for humanity.  I hope that the world starts to see the ways that we’re getting out of hand, and I hope that there is a grand fundamental revolution of the mind, as Jiddu Krishnamurti put it back several decades ago.  Am I a dreamer?  Yes, of course I am.  But I have great dreams that are good and just and full of billions of people being happy.  They are great dreams.  In our lifetimes, I hope that we reach this new level of awareness, of consciousness that comes with all of us living together in some kind of harmony.  That would certainly be a start, right?

    Got a few minutes?  Watch this video, then watch the second part.  Just watch it.  This is what it means to have a revolution of the mind.  We need to all understand that we are the teacher and the student; we are the problem and the solution.

    Let’s work together to be closer to being a civil civilization in 2013.  I’m all for it. We owe it to ourselves to be something we can all be proud of, even if it means a fundamental change in our forward vision. I believe that we can do it together.

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