Midnight Sun


    Our sun is absolutely astounding, and that’s no news, especially for JOL readers. However, the grand winner of a National Geographic exploration trip through X Prize, Joe Capra, entered with a stunning video about our home star’s polar seasonal effects so delightfully, I had to share.

    In areas north of the arctic circle or south of the antarctic circle, in summer months the sun can be visible for up to twenty-four hours of the day, sinking but never dropping below the horizon line. This is similar to the effect of “white nights” where latitudes as low as sixty degrees experience midnight twilight, though in white nights the sun does go below the horizon line. In his film’s narration, Mr. Capra speaks about how because of the midnight sun effect, he had almost six hours between sunset and sunrise of low-level light to shoot.

    Check out Mr. Capra’s video, “Land of the Midnight Sun” (RSS readers, please click through!):

    A beautiful video on the opposite effect, polar night, Jim shared here.

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