Ljósið — Take A Minute and Watch


What an amazingly beautiful video.  Believe me, the 3:28 it takes to watch this will change your life.  There is more beauty in this video than most people have in their entire month.

Check it – you can thank Esteban Diácono for this:

From the video site on Vimeo:

Please watch my new video for Ólafur Arnalds / Slowly, comes the Light! vimeo.com/11662772

Official Version: Ólafur Arnalds / Ljósið vimeo.com/6284199

You can listen to and buy the album at: foundsongs.erasedtapes.com/

The quotes are from many sources, including Brian Eno, Stefan Segmeister, Albert Einstein, Nitzche and a few more i got randomly and i’m not sure about the author.

In all cases, thank you for the inspiration.

I strongly encourage you to visit foundsongs.erasedtapes.com/ and order the vynil or cd special limited edition of the record and give support to a great artist and his wonderful music.

let yourself feel by esteban diácono has all rights reserved.

Ljósið composed by Ólafur Arnalds and edited through Erased Tapes Records All Rights Reserved.

Esteban Diácono

contact me (and hire me!) @:


I hope this lifts your day like it did mine.

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