Allison Patrick’s Awesome Artichoke Pendants


Have you seen these amazing lamps?!  A designer that has her stuff on Etsy, Allison Patrick of the 3R’s Blog (Reduce, Reuse, Redecorate – 30 projects in 30 weeks) has created some pretty cool pendant shades that are pretty representative of the beautiful shape of the artichoke.  But – the shade is made of recycled pages from books and magazines!  Allison’s lamps are very cool, they remind me of the decoupage projects my mom would do with us as a kid.  Just recently she got featured on, and that has pushed her work sky high!

Allison’s got a pretty awesome story with her luminaire design business (which is called Zipper 8 Design, by the way) – she graduated with her Masters, and like many people, she found herself with lots of time and no job.  So, she did what we do when we want to change things – she busted her ass making a bunch of really great lamps!

Allison's stuff on Etsy

Allison, thinks your works are awesome.

Thanks Inhabitat for the original article!

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