BEAUTIFUL Lamp from Giopato & Coombes – Bird On A Wire


There is something about this lamp that just leapt off the page at me when I first saw it – classic, beautiful, nice form, it’s like a moment frozen in ceramic cartoon time.  Check this out, it’s called Bird On A Wire, and it’s from design firm Giopato and Coombes:

GAH!  I just think this is such an awesome piece.  From the Giopato and Coombes website on Bird On A Wire:

Client:  Autoproduzione per la mostra Hidden Heroes 

Brief:  Recycle figurines retrieved from the tradition of ceramic bowls from Bassano del Grappa, Italy.

Concepts:  Playing with a normally very serious archetype, the linear lamp. Freezing a moment of intersection between nature and man-made. 

Path:  An instantaneous idea (and solution).This object represents the initial idea, a linear lamp electrified, a resting place for the birds on top, as isusually seen on electricity distributionlines.

Thanks, DesignBoom!

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