We’re trying to make the Holidays as completely ridiculous as possible this year, so please enjoy our new especial all-the-way-from-Las Vegas Holiday-on-Crack background and twinkle-light-tastic JimOnLight.com logo! We at JimOnLight.com and Light Associated Media, LLC feel that the holidays should be as jam packed with as much ridiculous as humanly possible – and not that Black Friday ridiculous, I mean RIDICULOUS ridiculous. Nobody’s gonna shoot you in the face with lachrymatory agents in here, JimOnLight.com is a no-OC-and-CS-zone! Well, Lumiere often likes to strut around the office showing everyone her anus, but really, who doesn’t?
I’m trying to find some Christmas-scented deodorant to really bring the smell of the Holidays home to roost, but so far all I can find is Eggnog flavor (weird) and Old Drunk Aunt Suze flavor (bourbon and Vicodin).
Yeah. YEAH!