PRISMA 1666 – the Id of Sir Issac Newton


Have you seen the interactive exhibit called PRISMA 1666?  Well hold on to your knickers, you’re about to see it:

So. What do you think?  PRISMA 1666 is a collaboration between the two firms SuperNature Design and WonWei (which, I have to admit, gave me a bit of a journey to find out exactly what it is they do).  From the SuperNature Design site on the project:

In 1666, Sir Isaac Newton conducted a famous experiment that has been widely considered as a landmark discovery in the study of optics and color theory. Inspired by this discovery, PRISMA1666 is a light interactive installation consists of 15 triangular crystal blocks distributed randomly on a clean white surface. Projection of colorful graphics is refracted and dispersed by these crystal blocks, creating a fascinating visual experience and performance.

Ok, excellent.  Check out these shots of the exhibit from the WonWei website on the project:

It needs to be said that the project was done with OpenFrameworks.  YOU MUST SEE what this is – it is OPEN SOURCE.

Awesome project, SuperNature and WonWei!

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