Happy Monday and Namaste to Everyone!


    Lumen on Daddy's shoulder

    I’m writing from the very, very hot state of Oklahoma, in a city hotter than Hell itself, Oklahoma City.  I think we’re on our 30+th day of 100 degrees or above in a row.  How awesome is that?!  I went outside the other day, saw a guy burst into flames – and OKC is in the Bible Belt!  Wackity schmackity doo!

    Since I broke my toes last week, I won’t be attending ETC’s very excellent CUE Conference taking place in Middleton, Wisconsin this week.  From what I understand, it’s gonna be pretty awesome.  I’m pretty bummed that I’m gonna miss it.

    As I sit here, I continue to work on some pretty amazing stuff myself – I have a handful of new lamps, both LED and non-LED incandescent replacements – that I am doing a lot of testing on for a big comparison post on JimOnLight.com.  What I find is that the only way to accurately report on these lamps is to put them in place in a situation that they would normally perform in and report on that situation.  Doesn’t that just seem like a no-brainer?

    a storm and Greg

    Ok, back to it. I hope this finds everyone doing great today on this hot Monday!

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