That’s right, we had a lunar eclipse last night! Â Most news organizations were touting the eclipse, since it’s the only one we’ve had since Galileo Galilei was actually in JAIL for claiming the world was round! Â Ah, the intelligence of the ignorant.
So anywho – check out some images of the eclipse – it was pretty hard to see from where I was, as we had some cloud cover.
and perhaps another treat – for those of us amateur photogs trying to capture the moon, a “photographing the moon” guide from Shoot Tokyo!
Thanks for the honorable mention. Cool site…
Oh I saw it, and it saw me and I howled at the moon the way that I am apt to do from time to time 😉
Eclipse-schmeeclipse. I ran outside in the middle of the night only to see the moon eclipsed by the ever-present cloud cover in the fair state of Ohio……tropical island, anyone?
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