Kim Carney’s “Little Somethings” Blog. Read It.


I’ve been reading a lot of blogs lately.  I feel like I’m reading blogs about light and design pretty much any time I’m not working – I read in bed, I read at lunch, I read in the morning, I read in the evening.  I feel like there is something causing me to stuff as much information as I can possibly fit in that shaven noggin of mine.  Ever get that feeling?

I ran across a blog called Little Somethings, written by Kim Carney.  The specific post, “Let There Be Light,” just pushed me to read more and more.  Kim’s a designer and artist in Washington state – and she has a beautiful brain.

Recent videos posted on her site – the Mathmos Lamp, which has a proximity sensor-effect going on for intensity:

I also found this one on the Mathmos lamp:

Kim also posted a video on the Philips LumaLive clothing technology, which is always cool to see:

I love your blog, Kim!

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