
    Leonids Star Trails

    Hey sky watchers, telescope nerds, and general light lovers everywhere – the Leonid Meteor Shower is tonight!

    For those of you who remember last year’s shower, the Leonid shower for 2010 is going to extend from tonight (17th) into tomorrow (18th), and reports are estimating 20-30 visible tracks per hour.  However, we’ll have a brightly shining Gibbous moon tonight and tomorrow night, so you might not see much if you’re not country-bound and out of the way of the light pollution of the cities.

    Check out the video podcast (I’m sorry, Vodcast) for Sky at Night Magazine, Volume 18 (I kid, I love you guys, SaN!):

    Good star hunting!  Get out there and see something no one has ever seen before but you!

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