I visited a salmon hatchery in Alaska once, and something that made me smile was the sign that said, Fish Ladder. We’ve got something in common, those fish and us stagehands!
You see the resemblance, right? (Thanks for the image, HowStuffWorks!)
- So then, more things we have in common with fish: a salmon light! (ponoko)
- Stressed? Crank the Pink Floyd and turn on your laser sphere. (cubiclebot)
- Here’s a pendant lighting system intent on working with architecture. (archiexpo)
- Extremely cool LED drawing light! (dezeen)
- Another critter light: LED seagull desk lamp. (gizmowatch)
- Yet another sweet LED lighting option for your home. (homedesignfind)
- Sunset on the moon: sweet jeebus is that cool looking! (bad astronomy)
- Speaking of sun, here’s a new planet with a new sun. (80 beat)
- Solar technology will make you all bug-eyed. (discoblog)
- All up in your face: a 3D camcorder. Boom! (Gadget Venue)