Whoa. It’s like three weeks away! I have to ask, where in the world did January and February 2010 go?! Wasn’t it just Christmas?
The last six days have been some of the busiest of the last few years. At one point last week I felt like I was busier than when I wrote my Master’s thesis. That will make sense to a lot of people out there, methinks.
A news bump – coming up at a little Theatre Technology conference coming up March 31-April 3 in Kansas City, MO:
@lekogirl vs. @a_mandolin for 2010 – who will throw down next year? Who has the creativity to take 2010?
There will be an event at USITT that will be a Gaff Tape Prom-type deal, but we’re working on having it offsite of the conference center. Stay tuned. Aww yeah.
I’m so pumped.
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