SixthSense – Pranav Mistry’s Genius Idea


I hope that a billion times more people know about the TED Talks than know about

The TED people have some of the most unbelievably intelligent people gravitating around them – or perhaps more accurately, they are revolving around a body of smarts to massive that I have not yet to this day been disappointed with.  So much, in fact, that I ended that sentence with a preposition just thinking about it’s awesomeness.

Okay, I’m not gonna say too much about what the subject in the video below is, but I want you all to just imagine having a small device on your person that could do everything you could think of, including making calls.  Oh wait, you’re thinking – I have an iPhone for that.  So do I, and I love it.  But imagine that, instead of interacting with your iPhone on it’s terms, the device interacted with your daily existence on your turf.

A few weeks ago one of my former Sweden colleagues (thanks, Kunal!) sent around  a TED video on something called “SixthSense” – a technology that basically takes the idea behind carrying around a display and turns it upside down and several angles of the meridian towards ridiculously awesome.  That all make sense?  The guy behind the mystery, Pranav Mistry, has created a device that has a high level of intellect, and projects data with light onto the surfaces in your life.

This idea is mindblowing.  I am turned upside down with this idea.  Thank you, Pranav.  Can I buy you a beer?

Check out this video, you owe it to yourself:

TED Talks – Pranav Mistry and the SixthSense Technology from Jim Hutchison on Vimeo.

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