Robert Mokry and the BFL-192 LED Luminaire


So last week I get a call from a guy named Robert Mokry – you might know him as one of the founders of LightParts in Austin, but he’s also one of the excellent handful of people who was down in the State Capital on our behalf as lighting designers during the whole Texas House Bill 2649 fiasco.

I had a chance to chat with Robert about that thing, and he gave me some insight on the atmosphere in the meetings between representatives of the lighting industries and the Senators who tried to bring that bill to fruition.  If you get a chance, please thank Robert and Richard Cadena for being in the capital defending our right to practice lighting design in Texas.

But enough about that for right now – the real reason I have written this post is the BFL-192.  Check out this video first.
in the video I mentioned that Robert was the inventor – the inventor is actually Robert’s partner, Ryan Waters.  Robert is Ryan’s agent and co-conspirator:

Robert Mokry and the BFL-192 from Jim Hutchison on Vimeo.

Robert was in Dallas showing off the BFL-192 – I met up with Robert at a great Irish pub in the Dallas, and we decided to make some urban light art!  Check out these pictures, and stay tuned, as I’ll be posting more about the BFL-192 in the near future!







A big thanks to these two lovely ladies on their way out to the clubs – thanks for letting us shine the light on you!





Check out Robert and Ryan’s website for Lighting Innovation Technologies, LLC too, please!  I’m looking forward to the developments of this bright monster.

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  1. What time of night did you guys shoot that & what was that building you were shining it on? I kept thinking if it was late at night and the people inside didn’t know what ya’ll were up to, they were in for a cosmic surprise.

    • Ha! It was later in the evening – I think around 9:30pm or so. The building across the way there was *I think* a condo, but we were shining on an unoccupied part. If I was mistaken, then I bet we kept someone up for a few minutes. Sorry about that! We had fun though, if that’s any consolation!

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