Bye, Sweden!



    Well, I’ve made a huge decision over the last few weeks.  I’ve decided to leave the KTH program and head back home to the United States to continue working on my design firm, Alive Lighting, and to keep writing full time.  It has been a great two months, and I have made so many great new friends that I will have forever – the relationships I made here in Sweden have enriched my life so much, and I will miss these people very much.

    I’ve decided to leave the program at KTH because I don’t believe I’m being challenged.  Unfortunately, I don’t feel the education is advancing my academic and professional goals.  I’m not happy with that and, since this was a huge expense and commitment, I had to decide if staying for another eight months would pay off for me.  I’m very glad that I checked it out and am grateful for the opportunity to have done so.

    I am so grateful for meeting the professors, seeing the beautiful Haninge KTH campus (which I’ll be posting some pictures of in coming weeks), and Stockholm is stunning.  I have new friends.  It’s been a great journey.  I can’t thank my lovely wife enough for her support, and all of the JimOnLight readers and Tweeters for their daily interaction.  It’s made me feel like home!

    As of Thursday, I will be available for lighting design and consulting, and continuing to write JimOnLight every day.

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    1. Jim,

      We are sorry to hear that things did not turn out the way you hoped. We too were excited to hear about your adventures in Sweden and wished the best for you.
      On the other hand, we are excited to see you come home early! So well home brother, we’ll be waiting at the border with a beer and warm welcome home.

    2. I wish all the best for you upon your return Jim! Thanks for sharing and have a safe trip back.

      Can’t wait to connect with you once you’re on the ground in the States!


    3. It is unfortunate that you were not getting what you had hoped out of the program. Good for you on making the tough choice to come home and get back to work. (Well… maybe not that tough)

    4. Hi Jim,

      Well, it’s always good to be truthful to one’s soul. No point in pursuing anything which doesn’t get ‘approved’ by your mind-&-heart. I wish you all the luck as you move back to States. But tell me how is Sweden as a place? I have plans to settle there in future. Since I’m in education industry, I have heard there is lot of growth & opportunities out there. What do you say? Be frank and bold in your comments/feedback. Currently, I’m working with IMT-Dubai which is located as Dubai International Academic City. Based at India, I’m responsible for managing Placements across India & Asia Pacific.

      Prashant Kumar Sharma

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