What An Awesome Day – Stockholm ROCKS!


    On Thursday afternoon I went to a Stockholm walking tour/city rally thing with some international students.  In addition to getting to see a whole bunch of Stockholm, I met several new friends – Ahmed from Egypt, Mohammad from Iran, Kate from Austria, Jamie from Boston, Fernando from Brazil, Andreas from Sweden, and Reza from Iran.  We seemed to be the spry bunch, and after about 3/4 the way through the city walk, we decided to get lunch and a beer (which was nine bucks, by the way – damn):


    Hands down, it was an amazing day.  At some point, I am going to get out at night and take some long exposure shots of Stockholm – that will be amazing!  Check out some photos from my day, if you’re interested – just a few, I took hundreds:

    Where I’m living this year:


    Stockholm Central train station:


    KTH Main Campus library:


    Walking in Stockholm:


    The Royal Theatre:


    Walking along the water:


    Fountain above the train station – you walk underneath this thing!


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