Indoor Greenhouse – ON A STICK?


Every time my wife and I move, inevitably I always say something like “the next time we have a bit of a yard, I am totally going to grow a garden this summer.”  Inevitably, I always make a liar out of myself – but I will grow the heck out of some tomato plants next time I have a garden.

It’s been a while since I’ve lived in an apartment, but since my wife and I are doing the ol’ apartment route, I’ve been peeking around a bit at indoor gardens and window boxes to see how one would try to sustain a garden in a smaller atmosphere.  There are lots of great ideas for space to use, like the article at LifeHacker about using rain gutters attached to the house for herb gardening space.  One that I found looking for this idea was the concept of a little grow area near a light source (obviously) – and why not integrate the light source into the structure of the space?

Meet the Indoor Greenhouse On A Stick:

indoor greenhouse

Ingela Viks and Liina-Kai Raivet of Estonia’s concept is pretty simple – a self-standing structure that provides water and light to up to 24 plants.  The fluorescent source gives the plants the needed ultraviolet light for them to rock some photosynthesis – so it could be a win.  I’m interested in the size of plants the structure can support – it looks as though it might be the perfect size for an herb garden.

Fresh basil rules.

indoor greenhouse

indoor greenhouse

Thanks, Home Tone and Unplugged!

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