FREE STUFF! Templates and Templates and Drafting Supplies, OH MY!


Well, today is going to be a light posting day, because I’m driving a truck with our belongings from Denver to Dallas.  Dallas, here we come!  However, as I’m doing my 14 hour drive in a bobtail truck governed at 65 MPH, I’m giving away some stuff that I don’t use anymore to someone who needs it!

When I arrive in Dallas today, I’ll pick two people at random from the people who contact me through the contact form to get this stuff.  It could be 8pm CST, it could be 11pm CST.  Send me an email via the contact form – I’ll pick someone for each of the two.  If you have a preference of which you’d like, please let me know in the email.

The first of the two of these is this pile of lighting templates, and lighting templates!  All you have to do is email me through the contact form.  That’s it!

I’ll send you, in a brown envelope:


One (1) Field Template @ 1/2″ scale
Two (2) Phil Monat lighting plan templates @ 1/2″ scale
Two (2) Phil Monat lighting section templates @ 1/2″ scale
Two (2) Phil Monat lighting section templates @ 1/4″ scale
One (1) Phil Monat lighting plan template @ 1/4″ scale
One (1) Steve Shelley special Stagelight template @ 1/4″ scale

and eight random steel gobos!

I’m also giving away the stuff you see below to one person.  I’ve had it sitting in boxes – it’s doing me no good anymore, and I’d rather just give it away to a reader who needs it!

If you’re reading via RSS feed, please go hit the website and contact me via the contact link if you’re interested!

I’m sending someone the following, stuffed into a USPS Priority Flat Rate box:

drafting supplies

1 – full set of Cray-Pas “Expressionist” oil pastels
1 – balsa sander
1 – X-Acto 45 degree triangle
1 – pencil sharpening paddle
2 – X-Acto mitre boxes (aluminum)
2 – Staedtler lead sharpeners, one mechanical, one battery operated
1 – Ames lettering guide
1 – erasing shield
4 – random fountain pen tips
1 – flexible curve
1 – large 45 degree triangle
1 – large 45 degree triangle with circle template
1 – drafting brush
1 – pounce bag
2 – bottles of SOBO craft glue
1 – Alvin geared compass
1 – electric eraser and refills
a bunch of leads for lead holders, including Repro Blue leads
a whole bunch of different weights and sizes of mechanical pencil leads
a ton of colored pencils, drafting pencils, and watercolor pencils

and other stuff that I probably forgot to mention. It’s worth quite a penny if you were to buy all of this new, so if you’re interested, just email me using the contact form on the site.  I’ll draw someone at random when I arrive in Dallas.

GOOD LUCK!  Please take this stuff off my hands, the shipping is on me!  See you in Dallas!

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Next articleHand Drafting and Rendering Supplies – FREE STUFF!


  1. Greetings Jim!

    I hope your trip to Dallas is smooth and easy. I would love to be considered for your set of templates and gobos. they would be a tremendous help in my work with high schoolers.

    Safe Journeys!

    Joseph Jones

  2. I would love to get these nice drafting tools. I just graduated and recieved my CAD Systems Managment Dergree and trying to start on my own. Please let me know if I am a winner.

  3. Apparently i used the wrong form earlier.
    My grandson is 9 years old and wants to become an architect.
    I would like to get him some things that would keep his interest alive without spending a lot of money.
    If someone else is chosen, could you give me some ideas of what to get for him at a very reasonable price – I want this for Christmas and have been looking but can’t find anything simple.
    Have a safe trip.

  4. If you still have a few things that you might be interested in letting go to help reduce your load. Please contact me with a list. I have a 19 yr old Son that is taking drafting classes at college and he still need some suppliers for his classes. Thanks for helping others.

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