Solar Hot Pot – A Camping Must?



I just read an article about a cool (well, not really cool, per se) piece of cooking gear called the Hot Pot Solar Oven. It’s a solar reflector of sorts that reflects sunlight onto a black enameled steel pot.  The oven is considered “high performance” – 5.3 quarts, can reach 400° in about an hour depending on what time of day you put it in the sun, and you don’t have to expend any energy to heat it up.

Pretty cool, in my humble opinion – although burning stuff underneath a cast-iron pot of campfire chili (which I rock, by the way) is half the fun.  This invention is considerably more eco-friendly, isn’t it…

Amazon is selling these through Gaiam for $58.  It’s 19 pounds shipped, so shipping is a little over 30 bucks.


Thanks, EcoFriend!

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  1. I like the solar hot pot. But oh, 30 bucks for shipping? That ‘s pretty expensive. Anyhow, thanks for your recommendation.

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