I keep finding things in twos lately – I just ran across two interesting articels related to home and interior lighting that felt like they needed a double billing. One of them is a bendy twisty tube called the Bamboo Light System, and the other is called the Zipper Light – and it looks like it’s glowing foam eggcrate!
Here’s the Bamboo Lighting System:
Pedro Reinoso designed the Bamboo Light System for the retailer Yamagiwa. The system is a series of connectable pieces that can be bent and shaped. Floor lamps, table lamps, hanging lamps – Pablo’s website has a pretty chandelier-esque fixture created. Here’s the Yamagiwa’s english-language product page.
The second product is called the Zipper Silicone Lumainaire, designed by John Niero of justnotnormal design – it looks like eggcrate at the first glance, but it’s a silicone sheet with LEDs embedded into it. The panels zip together like a quilt, which is the zipper light’s concept. It has a zipper on its edges so that you can connect it to itself, mount it to a wall, or whatever else you decide to zip it to for fun. Or maybe you’re doing some serious zipping, not the fun kind.