The Killers Rock Their i-Pix BB Fixtures


In yet another scenario of a band’s lighting designer choosing the i-Pix lines of LED fixtures, The Killers are out in Europe now with a whole bunch of BB4 and BB7 gear.  Lighting designer Steven Douglas chose 15 BB7 spot fixtures and 27 BB4 washes – along with a Chroma-Q ColorWeb LED mesh, Douglas has created an LED spectacular for the Day and Age tour.

From an article at TPI:

The 15 BB7’s — added for the Euro leg “Day & Age” following the start of the tour in the US – are positioned in a long line, upstage of a massive ColorWeb grid used as a back wall. They shoot straight through the ColorWeb when it’s not in use, throwing a series of deeply coloured, intense washes onto the stage. They also emphasise the careful combination of linearity and spherical shapes that define the stage  architecture.

Fifteen of the BB4s are positioned on the front of three 17ft diameter circular over-stage trusses, and used for awesome audience blinding effects — for which their extreme punch is perfect.

The other 12 are positioned on the deck in 8-lite formats, attached to 6 vertical truss towers, also just upstage of the ColorWeb. These are used highly effectively for low level blinding and blasting fat slices of light through the band and backline from behind.

Photos below courtesy of Louise Stickland








Thanks, TPI and L&SA!

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