Marilyn Manson Acting Like A Douchebag to His Staff?


I’m sure by now everyone has seen some flavor or cut of this video…  this is the one where Marilyn Manson is out at front-of-house slapping around faders and punching flat screen monitors.  You’ve seen this, I assume?

If you’ve seen Marilyn Manson live before, you know his shows are kind of intense.  I mean, intense is a pretty tame word for it really, he’s quite the performer.  This little video here though, what do you think of that?  He comes to FOH, throws what looks to be the mains up hot on the A1 (a few times actually), busts his ass on some kind of chair, then punches out an LCD monitor.

I suppose a few conclusions could be drawn about this — one of two of these things happened:

  1. Either Marilyn Manson is a talented performer, and every bit of this was choreographed or discussed, planned, and executed a la Brad Schiller and the Metallica days of the ‘ghost-in-the-show,” OR…
  2. Marilyn Manson was acting like a douchebag and he totally disrespected his FOH crew pretty hard in front of everybody.

Really, this could go either way, right?  Either way it went down, I think that crew did a great job of maintaining their professionalism.

You have GOT to read the comments on these videos, folks!  They range far and wide, between things like “I can’t believe he would do that to the people who make him look and sound good,” to “F*CK those guys!  He owns them!  He can go out there and shit on that sound board if he wants, he’s Marilyn Manson!”  Not much polarization between those two lines, huh?

What do you think of this bit of showmanship?  Appropriate?  Inappropriate?  Post your comments in the comments section!

Now just for reference, there is this…

and this:

aaaaaand this:

Oh, and this.

Here he knocks Ginger Fish right directly out:

Oh, rock and roll!

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  1. I remember back when I was with SIR in New York City- A rental drum kit that came back from the MM show with a actual hole in the shell of the bass drum – this came from him attacking the drummer mid show with a microphone stand, and knocking him out. It wasn’t a crack in the shell– it was a whole!

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