HP’s Flexible Screen – “Virtually Indestructible”


Before HP decides to call something “virtually indestructible,” they should send it out on a rock and roll tour first.

HP, in conjunction with Arizona State University’s Flexible Display Center just announced a prototype of a computer screen – a very, very light computer screen – that’s supposed to just rock the display market.  This stuff is manufactured similarly to the way that “thin film” photovoltaics are manufactured – a roll-to-roll process where the screens are pretty much printed onto “virtually indestructible” plastic sheets.  They’re cheaper and more efficient than conventional screens according to Inhabitat, and they use up to 90% less material to produce.

From the Inhabitat article – regarding the technology that’s being implemented in the creation of these screens:

ASU’s Flexible Display Center has been working on flexible display technology in partnership with corporations as well as the US Army. HP likewise has been an innovator in many electronic technologies, including the technology that makes this new prototype possible – Self-Aligned Imprint Lithography (SAIL), which was invented at HP Labs. As HP explains, “SAIL technology enables the fabrication of thin film transistor arrays on a flexible plastic material in a low-cost, roll-to-roll manufacturing process. This allows for more cost-effective continuous production, rather than batch sheet-to-sheet production.”

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