Weekly WYSIWYG #9: WYG-It 2


A while ago I was testing out a Marquee console and a Whole Hog II side-by-side – back when I had WYG R20 at a University I was teaching.  I had this great device called a WYG-It 2, which was two DMX universes, a midi port, and connected to my computer/WYG setup via USB.

Check out the WYG-It 2:

The WYG-It 2 allows you to output DMX directly into WYSIWYG from a console.  It’s a few bucks shy of $1200, and if you’re doing a lot of preprogramming or Pre-Viz in WYG, you need it.  I wish I had one now!  The unit doesn’t need external power, and I never had one freeze up, ever.

Go get one of these at Cast Lighting’s Store.

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