Ben Rousseau


My good friend Tina Winslow of the DFW Modern Homes blog sent me this link – which was completely in French – about a designer named Ben Rousseau.  The first image – the table with the glowing poly underneath – was striking to me, and after I looked up his name I discovered a whole bunch of interior LED work.  Check out Ben’s portfolio site, there’s some beautiful work there.

Tina’s blog rocks, by the way.  Interior Design and craftsman accessories get a lot of great attention there.

In case you’re dying to know what the french site says about Ben Rousseau…

Very beautiful style by the architect and originator 3D Ben Rousseau, specialist in pieces of furniture overmeasure and products in interior. Years of experiment in production and a selection of original furniture to discover in the continuation.

Here’s the french page, translated.

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