This reminds me of a joke.
What does Snoop Dogg (wait, Snoop Lion, right? wait.) — one more time:
What does Snoop Dogg use to get his soiled whites that Oh-So-White white?
Why, BLEOTCH of course.
I LOVE writing outside! I have been glued to this patio table for three days straight. Since it’s Laura’s birthday, I promised I would not be on my laptop all day, and I don’t break promises to my wife
While plastered to this table, I found a bunch of photos of the sky that were inspired by just being outside — a series of photographs from The Boston Globe’s Big Picture Blog, which frequently rocks my socks off, some Flickr photos that rocked me after the first sock change, and more inspirational shots of nature’s original TV. This particular morning sock rocking is of photos of the sky – and they are TOTALLY worth it!
Spend some time outside this weekend looking at the sky, day or night – you owe it to yourself. You never know when you’re going to see something life-changing. Go get a cup and chill and scroll through these captures of pure imagination building.
Soooo muuuch sky porn…..
Good thing I’m working an outdoor arts festival on a clear & mildly breezy day
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